SB 170


1 comment:

  1. Senators,

    Missoula County continues to support SB 170, Allow for administrative minor subdivision process, up on the Senate floor this afternoon.

    Our communities need to accommodate growth, and it simply makes sense for that to happen in zoned areas served by municipal water/sewer or water and sewer districts/services. The subdivision and platting act, as originally adopted, doesn’t distinguish between these areas and remote locations that have limited infrastructure. Developers, therefore, are currently required to undertake the same impact analysis for a small subdivision in a largely developed area that they do for a similar subdivision in a remote location with high resource values.

    This bill acknowledges that much developed-area impact review has already been addressed through growth policies, zoning requirements and on-the-ground infrastructure. These comparatively simple subdivisions would qualify for administrative review, rather than governing body review in every instance. Should an aggrieved party object to the final administrative decision on the subdivision, it is forwarded to the governing body for their review and final decision.

    This bill is a start in reducing unnecessary review and providing new lots for development.

    Please support SB 170.


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HB 869